Library & Information Services Center
IPPI's Library & Information Services Center is a special-research library founded in 1986. It's aim is provision, acquisition and preservation of information materials in the filed of polymer science and technology .
Now, IPPI's library is one of the affluent information center of polymer science & engineering as divided to the following departments.
1- Acquisition Dep.
The duty of this section is recognizing, selecting, providing and in general, acquisition of scientific resources.
All kind of information resources such as: latin - farsi books, latin - farsi periodicals, information databases, standards, national & international conference proceedings are provided in different formats: print form, non-print form, electronic form on CD & On-Line in virtual space.
On the whole, the main duty of this section is purchase, subscription, exchange and dedication of information materials for updating library collection.
All of library resources are accessioned in this section.
2- Cataloging & Indexing Dep. (Information Processing)
The main task of this departmant is organizing, classifying, cataloging and indexing of information resources.
Information resources such as books, audio-visual materials, thesis, standards, research project reports & conference proceedings are cataloged and indexed by computer. We use webbased version of Simorgh software package for process, storage & retrieval of bibliographic information of library materials. Now, bibliographic Information of IPPI's Library sources are accessible and retrieval on IPPI's website & regional information center for science & technology's websit (
3- Circulation Dep.
The task of this departmant is circulating of latin-farsi loan books, textbooks to borrowers. This section includes a rich collection of polymer science books.
As there isn't independent audio-visual materials section all of audio-visuall materials are preserved and circulated in this section.
The classification system of IPPI's Library is L.C.
4- Reference, Document Dep.
This section includes reference books such as: encyclopedias, handbooks, manuals, year books, guide books, encyclopedias and dictionaries. Addition to the reference books there are some M.Sc. & Ph.D. students thesis, research projects reports, national & international conference proceedings and pamphlets of workshops.
5- Periodicals Dep.
In recently years, the IPPI,library has canceled the subscribtion of paper form of english journals and Subscribes them in electron form but persian journals are subcribed in paper form.
6- Information & document Supply Services Dep.
Information services section helps clients to search and seek scientific information from databases, electronic journals & sources and subject-scientific websites on internet.
IPPI's library subscribes some electronic jounals and databases on-line form to help researches in accessing to appropriate information.
The other task of this section is helping users to seek and search information from electronic resources.
With due attention to increasing production of scientific information & limitation of space & budget, libraries aren't able to purchase & preserve all of published resources. Therefore, resource sharing, interlibrary loan & document delivery services are current way for providing documents.
Therefore, IPPI's Library document supply section provides desired information of academic peoples from university libraries, research libraries, information providing centers and BL. IPPI's Library has contracts with some libraries and is the member of MSRT information consortia, Tarhe Amin and British Library.
7- Digital library (DI)
In 2017 We put electronic form of Thesis and dissertations on IPPI website by using an Iranian integrated Software named Simorgh digital library. Now all researchers can do search our Thesis and have access to fulltext of them.
* Membership in IPPI Library
Educated peoples of polymer science & engineering, researchers & academic staffs of this field and also research & industrial centers are allowed to apply for the membership in IPPI's library, where they can use all available scientific resources.